Temple Shir Shalom was founded by six area families in December 2001 and held its first service in January 2002. We are an inclusive congregation, welcoming all who wish to practice, participate and further their knowledge of Judaism, teach it to their children and live a Jewish life. We are dedicated to fulfilling the historic covenant between God and the Jewish People. We seek to infuse the timeless teachings of Torah into our daily lives.
Ours is an open, moving and evolving concept of living Judaism through music and prayer. We seek to provide a sense of community among our members, to enhance Jewish family life and culture, and to promote the practice of Jewish values and mitzvot, social action and social justice in our daily lives, at home, at work and in our community.
Our congregation is led by Cantor Kim Singer. Cantor Singer joined Temple Shir Shalom in June of 2015. In addition to continuing our tradition of song-filled worship leadership, Kim is a recognized Reform Jewish Educator and is bringing her enthusiasm and energy to our students at Temple Shir Shalom’s Religious School.
All temple members are encouraged to take an active role in congregational life and in shaping the future of our young and growing community by serving on one of our many teams or helping with a single event. Each family is asked to sponsor one Oneg Shabbat each year. Here is a sampling of activities in which our members have participated: family picnics, Yom Kippur Break Fast, Shabbat potluck dinners, Chanukah party, Passover 2nd night Seder, Adult Bunko Night, preschool playgroup, Purim Carnival, Adult Book Club, baby food and book drives, and serving meals at the Coalition for the Homeless.
Youth religious education through the MEITIN Alliance, adult education, book club, two NFTY Youth Groups and Bagels and Blocks programs for pre-religious school youth are among the other programs available to members.
We welcome your inquiry and invite you to become a part of our growing Temple family.